Thursday, September 24, 2009


Last week Reagan and I made playdough together. We threw all ours away when we moved and I kept forgetting to make any new playdough. Every time we visit Heidi's house Reagan loves her playdough so I knew it was time to make some for our house again. Since Reagan was so awesome about helping with Tim's birthday cake I decided to let her help make the playdough for the first time too. She did an excellent job and helped with everything except for the stove (that still makes me nervous). Even though she had been talking about orange playdough at the last minute she decided on green. Of course as soon as we had the green food coloring in she decided she wanted blue... lol :) Luckily she wasn't too upset and has been very happy to have her green playdough to play with over the course of the last week.
Measuring flower using the fun Mickey Mouse measuring cups Aunt Marta gave Reagan for Christmas

Measuring the salt
Mixing with the matching Mickey Mouse spatula
Adding the food coloring
Mixing up the green playdough before heating it on the stove
Ready to play!
Using her new number cookie cutters from Aunt Arla
I didn't really expect Kennedy to "play" with the playdough but I thought she would have fun feeling the texture of it and squishing it. Boy was I wrong! I think it confused her that I had given her something in her highchair that I didn't want her to eat. As for feeling the texture, it just made her mad!
Do you people see what a poor, unfortunate baby I am?
Alright, maybe life isn't so bad...
Maybe this playdough stuff is mildly interesting
Nope, I hate it! What are you people doing to me???? Get me out of here!
Resigned to my fate and my mother who wants me to experience new things. What a life...
Thanks to Grammy for looking up her playdough recipe for us. :)

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