Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Love You, My Eggs!

Lately we have been working on getting Reagan to sit nicely and not get up until she has finished eating her meal. Yesterday morning she was horsing around and horsing around at breakfast. She wouldn't sit on her bottom and had been hopping off and on her chair. I had just warned her about being careful when there was a big bang and her full plate of eggs hit the floor. I told her to go sit in time out. She went running/crying to time out because her eggs were on the floor and she couldn't eat them. While I was cleaning up the mess I could hear her crying "I love you, my eggs! I love you, my eggs!" What a little goof. lol :) I guess sometimes it's just hard to be two! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reagan is such an INTENSE little girl - but Grammy sure does love hre alot!!!! xoxoxoxo