Thursday, April 23, 2009

Watch Me Grow - Kennedy - 5 Mon

Kennedy is still a super sweet and happy baby. :) She rolls and scoots everywhere now. She certainly does not stay where you put her for very long! I have a feeling she will be crawling in no time at all as she is working hard to get her knees up and under herself.
She's not quite sitting up but I'm sure she will be before too long. She can partially balance herself for a few seconds before tipping over.
Kennedy has become quite coordinated and is able to reach for toys and "play" with them a bit more. During the past week she has become coordinated enough to get her paci back into her mouth on her own (not consistently but she has done it several times). She discovered her toes last weekend and loves to play with them too (both reaching for and chewing on them).
Kennedy is quite good at sitting (as long as someone is holding her that is - she isn't big on entertaining herself) while we read stories to Reagan. We're hoping that is an earlier indicator that she is going to have the same love of books the rest of us have!
While I see no physical evidence of it, Kennedy seems to be working super hard on getting some teeth. She chews and chews and chews on everything. She handles Baby Orajel much better than Reagan ever did and she also truly enjoys her teething rings. She especially likes the type that is a circle made up of numerous small circles. Those smaller circles fit perfectly in her mouth. She has had a couple of rough days where she seems truly uncomfortable so I sure hope that tooth (or teeth) pop through soon and give her some relief!
As we've mentioned before Kennedy is such a little wiggle worm! Well we may have passed the wiggle worm stage and moved on to Baby Houdini (nickname coined by Grandma Karen). Kennedy loves to swing (inside and out) but we're having to be super careful with the indoor swing because she managed to get herself completely out of it in all her wiggling this month! I found her on the floor underneath the swing even though the buckles were still completely buckled a couple of weeks ago. How on earth did she do that???
I don't think I've ever done this before but I decided to use 3 duck pictures today. I couldn't decide which to use. Kennedy is so wiggly and she was either throwing herself forward or backward everytime I sat her down. You can see in the last picture she was cracking herself up. lol :)
5 Mon - April 2009


4 Mon - March 2009

1 Week - November 2008

1 comment:

Martin LaBar said...

Thanks for updating us on Kennedy's monthly growth...I love the 5 month
picture of her leaning back and enjoying herself, while smiling so sweetly!!

G Aunt Faye