Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun at the Park

Yesterday afternoon the weather was beautiful and Ms. Mo'mina called to tell us they were at the park near our house. We packed up quick and took a walk to the park to enjoy the weather. Thanks so much for calling and inviting us out!
Playing ball

Reagan loves to climb

I know the color isn't great on this picture but that smile is so cute!

Teddy Grahams make a great playground companion! lol :)
Wild and crazy Reagan
Swinging from the bar is one of Reagan's new tricks on the playground the other is using the ladders instead of the steps but I seem to have left that picture out. :)


Anonymous said...

Grammy thinks Reagan is one WILD and CRAZY little girl - but she sure looked like she was having fun!

Martin LaBar said...

What great ACTION and PERSONALITY photos! Reagan is certainly a daring little girl. However, I did notice a
little apprehension on her face coming down the slide...

My favorite, when she grabs the ball and runs! She'll make a great game team member someday, if such speed continues!!

Great Aunt Faye