Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Happened??? It's Cold!!!

This is one of my favorite pictures I took during the holiday season. This picture of Aunt Arla and Reagan looking at the snow simply melts my heart! :)
After getting a couple of cute pictures Reagan was pretty determined to get into the snow. At this point she is stepping in adult footprints which were made previously so she's only sinking up to her ankles.
Living in the south Reagan doesn't have much experience with the amount of snow they have in Wisconsin.
Poor Reagan only managed to take a couple of steps before sinking into the snow and becoming completely stuck and unable to move in any direction.
I would give anything to have had a video camera at this moment. While stuck Reagan started asking repeatedly "What happened? What happened?" interspersed with exclamations of "It's Cold!!!" For the rest of the afternoon anytime Reagan walked past the door she would ask "What happened?" It was too funny for words. lol :)


Martin LaBar said...

Oh, yes. We took our kids to Wisconsin, and they learned to negotiate the snow pretty well.

Tim and Anna said...

I guess the snow you get in South Carlina doesn't much compare to that of Wisconsin or Michigan for that matter either, huh? It sure is fun to watch little guys try and figure it all out. :)