Friday, January 23, 2009


Today we had our first playdate with Harun, Musa, and Yusha since the babies arrived.
Kennedy (2 mon) and Yusha (2 1/2 mon) managed to sleep through nearly the entire playdate despite all the wild and crazy noise their older brothers and sister made
In looking for this picture I discovered Reagan was nearly exactly the same age as Kennedy for our first play date with the boys. While Kennedy was exactly 2 mon today Reagan was just 2 days short of 2 mon the first time she met Harun and Musa who were almost 4 mon at the time.
And here are our three nearly 2 year olds having a yogurt and animal cracker picnic

When I told Reagan we were going to see Harun and Musa this morning she kept saying she was going to see "the guys." I don't know why she was saying that because I've never called them "the guys" before. lol :) When an adult is playing with Reagan (tickling etc) if she likes something they're doing she will frequently say "more." Well after we left the playdate Reagan kept saying "More guys, more guys, more guys." That said, thanks "Guys" for having us over this morning and we're looking forward to coming back soon! :)

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