Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Grammy's Sugar Cookies

On Tuesday evening I walked into the dining room to discover Reagan had seated herself at the table and was helping herself to a fresh batch of Grammy's famous sugar cookies. Even though she was technically being naughty we're at Grandma's so we obviously decided the appropriate reaction was to laugh and take pictures. lol :)

Reagan has started scowling to be funny. She's not upset in these pictures just being silly. We all laugh of course and so naturally the scowls become increasingly exaggerated. :)
Finished being silly and time to get back to the task at hand. Time to eat more delicious cookies! lol :)

1 comment:

Martin LaBar said...

They look yummy; what about sharing?
Mommy, what happens that Grammy's stays at Grammys! She looks sweet even with a scowl.

Great Aunt Faye