8 Mon - Jul 2009
Kennedy is growing so fast! My baby is nearly gone and she is becoming a toddler - way faster than Reagan did! Kennedy is doing great standing up on her own. She loves to pull up on just about anything and let go. While she is doing a great job standing on her own she isn't really making any attempts to take her first step yet. Even when you hold her hands you have to work at getting her to take a step forward.
Kennedy's favorite book is "Peek A Who" which Stacy, Rich, and I believe at that point just Rory sent Reagan some time ago. Kennedy loves that book. Sometimes it is the only book she will let me read. When I put it down to start a new book she will squirm around trying to pick it back up. We literally read it at least a half a dozen times before bed and we read it many more times than that throughout the day. She giggles and giggles at the last page which says "peek a you" and has a mirror. I'm not sure why she thinks this particular book is so funny because we have other books that have mirrors on every page and she prefers this one to all others. She does love the game "Peek A Boo" in general so this book obviously simply does it for her at this stage.
Kennedy's favorite book is "Peek A Who" which Stacy, Rich, and I believe at that point just Rory sent Reagan some time ago. Kennedy loves that book. Sometimes it is the only book she will let me read. When I put it down to start a new book she will squirm around trying to pick it back up. We literally read it at least a half a dozen times before bed and we read it many more times than that throughout the day. She giggles and giggles at the last page which says "peek a you" and has a mirror. I'm not sure why she thinks this particular book is so funny because we have other books that have mirrors on every page and she prefers this one to all others. She does love the game "Peek A Boo" in general so this book obviously simply does it for her at this stage.
For some reason we seem to be going backwards in our sleep patterns. Kennedy gets up at least twice a night and frequently more often. At least she eats and goes right back to sleep. And since she is such a sweet and easy baby in every other aspect I can not complain too much!
For some reason we seem to be going backwards in our sleep patterns. Kennedy gets up at least twice a night and frequently more often. At least she eats and goes right back to sleep. And since she is such a sweet and easy baby in every other aspect I can not complain too much!
Kennedy definitely takes after me in her love of cats. She goes wild over the cats everytime she sees them. She loves them and wants to pet and play with them so badly. Unfortunately for her the cats aren't currently convinced she is much fun.
Kennedy continues to be a super happy baby. It takes nothing at all to make her smile. She loves to be tickled and has a great laugh which I think she must get from her father. I love to hear those precious baby giggles and sounds. Speaking of which, she is such a talker! She nearly always has something to say. A couple of days ago Reagan looked at Tim and said "Daddy, what is Kennedy talking about? She's saying yada yada yada..." That gave us a pretty good laugh too. lol :)
I can't believe we are so close to being finished with Kennedy's duck pictures! I guess time flies when you're having fun and we have throughly been enjoying Missy K!
I can't believe we are so close to being finished with Kennedy's duck pictures! I guess time flies when you're having fun and we have throughly been enjoying Missy K!
Just when I thought that precious baby couldn't get any cuter - she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Mrs. Debbie
She is a sweetheart - and she does have a wonderful giggle! Can't wait to see those precious little girls - and their wonderful Mommy and Daddy - this weekend! xoxoxox Grammy
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