Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 4th Weekend

We are throughly enjoying our new neighbors and neighborhood! On the Friday afternoon before July 3rd one of our neighbors decided to have an impromptu block party. I couldn't tell you how many people came but there were at least 20 kids and as many adults. I couldn't believe the turnout especially with such short notice - it was awesome! :)

We brought our wagon from Grandma Karen and Grandpa Jim out for the girls to sit on (it turns into a really nifty bench) but it quickly turned into the most popular item all the kids, regardless of age, wanted to play with and take turns riding on. Eventually another neighbor went and pulled out their wagon too and the kids had a blast going round and round in circles together. :)
Kennedy loves being an upside down baby!
Kennedy also loves it when Grammy puts her up in the air and puts her tummy to her head lol :)

Reagan enjoying the most enormous cheetohs I've ever seen Heidi and Reagan sharing chips and pop
Pa came up with one of the hit toys of the evening. He cut a large cardboard box so that it would serve as a slide on the hill in front of our house. The kids absolutely loved it!
Reagan and Heidi used a neighbor's wagon to watch the fireworks
On Saturday, July 4, we went with the Dan LaBar family to downtown Lexington to watch the holiday parade. It was raining a bit but Reagan didn't mind as it gave her an excuse to pull out her new Mickey and Minnie Mouse umbrella from Grammy.

Reagan, Heidi, and Kennedy waiting for the parade
Sweet cousins
Reagan and Mommy watching the parade
Heidi and Uncle Dan
Reagan "cheesing" for the camera
The many faces of Missy K

The Dan LaBar crew and our neighbors came over for a cook out the evening of July 4. Unfortunately since it was raining Tim had to stand in the garage and step outside to grill the meat. We learned it's somtimes nice not to have furniture, however, as it enables you to easily put up folding tables and chairs in your living room. :)
The girl's table
On the other hand, I guess if we had dining room furniture it wouldn't be necessary to put up all these folding tables and chairs in the living room???
Heidi being so sweet for a picture with Kennedy
Trying to get a quick picture of the three girls in their matching outfits before the fireworks didn't quite work out...
The Ted LaBar crew standing in the rain sharing a large umbrella waiting for the fireworks to begin
The more intelligent Dan LaBar crew waiting in their car for the fireworks to start

We had a great first 4th of July weekend in Lexington. Thanks to everyone who shared it with us and made it so special!


Anonymous said...

I had never really noticed until this posting that I think Kennedy sure looks a lot like her mommy. Keep up the great job with the blog. I enjoy it so very much! Lots of love to all you guys, Mrs. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Grammy loves the pics and misses her girls VERY much! xoxoxoxo

Martin LaBar said...

It appears that a great holiday time was had by all. I love the picture of the two cousins walking, and the one of the three little ones that were dressed alike. The pictures that capture "action" are so typical of little ones! Great photo series!!
I also thought that the picture of Reagan and Kennedy checking out the bathtub/bathwater (??) was too precious.

Our younger grandson is 18 months old today....I can't imagine him having another brother at his age!

Fun times for them and you!

Great Aunt Faye