Monday, January 7, 2008


Reagan's not anywhere close to walking but much to our surprise she started standing on her own Saturday, January 5. She pulls up on her walker (a great Christmas present from Grandma Karen and Grandpa Jim that she loves) and lets go of the handle. As you can see she likes to hold another object in her hands while standing. Most of the time she only makes it a few seconds but there have been a number of times she has stood for as long as 10-15 seconds. Long enough for us to grab a camera and snap a few shots! :)


Martin LaBar said...

Another great series; I love them, and can hardly believe that she'll obviously be walking soon!
Great Aunt Faye

Anonymous said...

Watch out Ms. Anna. This is how Harun started out and he was walking in no time. Musa still uses his little cart (same one Reagan has) to get from place to place.

We miss you and hope to see you again soon.

-Ms. Mo'mina, Musa and Harun