9 Mon - Aug 2009
We have a new pediatrician and Kennedy had her 9 month checkup today. She is between the 50-75 percentile for height, weight and head circumfrance. Her specific 9 month stats are she is
27 3/4 ins long and weighs 20lbs 7oz.
For her checkup she did have to get one shot. She's such a tough little nut though she didn't even flinch let a lone cry. As a matter of fact she sat right up and started laughing at the nurse who had given her the shot. The nurse told her she was sure Kennedy would be her "best and easiest patient all day." :) What a sweetie! :)
Kennedy got her first tooth this month! :) Her first tooth came in on Monday, August 10. While I've felt it I haven't seen it yet because every time I try she sticks her tongue out over her bottom gum and lip. The doctor could hardly get a look at it today either but she said it looks like there's another one getting ready to pop through next to it. Someday I'll see it/them and snap a picture to share with everyone. :)
Kennedy is a super busy little girl! She started climbing our stairs about three weeks ago and can get all the way to the top on her own. She is quite unhappy (down right mad) whenever she discovers a gate at the bottom of the stairs which prevents her progress.
While she is super busy she hasn't taken her first step yet. She free stands all the time but still isn't interested in walking too much. She'll do it with some coaxing while you're holding her hands but it's not an activity she intiates. Sunday was the first time I saw her standup by a little chair and on her own start pushing it around the room.
Kennedy is beginning to enjoy looking at books on her own. She's not always so gentle but we'll give her a break since she's only 9 months old. :) We are certainly pleased she enjoys looking at books on her own as well as being read to. The "Peek-A-Who" book is still a favorite as well as basically any Sandra Boynton book, especially "Moo, Baa, La La La." We've also been using the "Your Baby Can Read" program with Kennedy and she seems to really enjoy those books. The books have lots of close up pictures of kids and animals which she enjoys looking at.
Her favorite game by far is "Peek-A-Boo." She loves to play it with some one around corners and doorways by crawling away and back to you repeatedly (a take off of this game is simply chasing her which she loves too). She also enjoys the traditional "Peek-A-Boo" game of hiding her or someone elses face. In the last week or two she has discovered she can pull blankets (or whatever is handy) up over her face on her own and she loves to do that. You can also tell she is exceedingly pleased with herself for figuring out how to do this. :)
Kennedy is a good eater when it's something she feels like eating... She's not much into baby food, although I have successfully gotten her to eat some baby cereal (important because of iron content) a couple of times in the last week. She much prefers finger foods she can pick up and eat on her own - little Miss. Independent already! Her favorite food by far is watermelon. She loves it and could eat her weight in it! She is a mess from head to toe everytime she eats it but there is no doubt she is enjoying every last bite!
Sleeping is still rocky. Knock on wood she's slept through the night the last thre nights. This is a sleeping pattern I hope we can maintain! I love her dearly but it is so nice to get more than a couple of hours asleep at at time! :) She's starting to give up her short nap but it's a toss up as to whether she'll take a long morning nap or a long afternoon nap with Reagan.
Kennedy's biggest news for the month is we are quite certain she has said her first word. I wasn't positive when she started saying it a couple of weeks ago but now she's pretty direct at times so we're calling it her first word anyway. :) She likes to say "Mom, mom, mom." It's usually in threes and it started out occurring when she was mad at me. Now it's occurring at other times but it melts my heart anytime. :) I wish I could catch it on video tape but I haven't managed that yet. Those little voices are too sweet for words! :)
The most endearing thing Kennedy has started doing with frequency this month is giving kisses. It is so adorable and I absolutely love it!!! She is such a sweet baby and those kisses have to be the most precious gifts ever!
You forgot to mention her giggling - she definitely has her Daddy's laugh - the one that comes all the way from her toes. She is a precious girl, indeed! xoxoxoxo Grammy
You're right. I especially meant to mention how she seems to be developing a sense of humor and telling jokes even if we can't understand them. She has definately started cracking herself up which also reminds me of her father's humor. lol :)
What a sweetheart 9 month picture of Kennedy! She looks like a little model with that chic little hat!! Thanks for the info about her progress. She's certainly a unique little one; aren't we all! All that activity that you talked about her enjoying reminds me of you, Anna. You never knew a dull moment. Great girl to sleep through the night. I guess girls must do that before boys; at least before our youngest grandson. Now, if you can get them to synchronize naps...YOU can get one also!! Sounds like that would be a better plan than working during that time. You need lots of energy to keep up with your precious little girls! Kennedy is really growing; she'll be walking soon. Reagan is such a sweetheart. Hope they play well together, at least for a while. We talked to Stacy today, with Riley and Rory in the background; they were on speaker phone...Stacy said that the two play together nicely at times, but Riley doesn't understand how strong he is, so he throws some rather hurtful objects. At any rate, I heard Rory tell Riley to come sit in his lap. So sweet.
We hope that you are all stay as well and happy as Kennedy when got her shot. A never heard a giggle when Rory got a shot!
Love to all, hugs and kisses to the little girls!!
Great Aunt Faye
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