Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kentucky Fun

Grammy, Charlie, Kelly and Anna came to spend some time with us in Kentucky this past week. Here are some pictures of the girls having fun from our visit.
I can't remember exactly how it started but here's how it ended - with Grammy and all 4 little girls playing the piano together. :)

Grammy brought suckers which Reagan refers to as "twirly whirlies" for the girls to enjoy

Grammy wanted to give Reagan a play kitchen back at Christmas but we simply didn't have enough room in the townhouse. She said as soon as we had a new home she would get it for Reagan. This past weekend she delivered on her promise and went and purchased a dream kitchen for Reagan. Here are Charlie, Kelly and Tim working on putting it together.The girls had a great time exploring the food even before the kitchen was put together
Thank you Grammy and Pa for such a cool and fun playset!

1 comment:

Martin LaBar said...

It's amazing how socially adept toddler girls can be. - SC Aunt.