Monday, October 29, 2007

Watch Me Grow - 6 Months

Reagan has hit the 6 month milestone and is more fun than ever! This morning we were in the grocery store and she collected admirers left and right. I thought one worker might be coming home with us she and Reagan were having so much fun together (Reagan was laughing so hard she was having trouble catching her breath).
As you can see from the picture Reagan is sitting up by herself now. She has also started eating vegetables. So far we've just tried sweet potatoes and Great Aunt Pat's squash but Reagan loves them both (especially Aunt Pat's squash - wish we had more!!!). This evening we're planning on trying our first green vegetable - peas.
We'll hopefully have lots of pictures of our big trip to Illinois, Wisconsin, and Tennessee posted soon so everyone can see what Reagan was up to between months 5 and 6. Sorry we've been so delinquint in getting pictures posted lately but it's hard to do when you're gone for nearly 3 1/2 weeks. Thanks to everyone for so much fun we enjoyed seeing so many of you!
5 Months

1 comment:

Martin LaBar said...

How can she be six months...I just received five month pics!! She is certainly a little "pied piper". I'd follow such a sweet little chuckler. Today we were leaf looking in NC for our 41st anniversary. A lady sat across from us eating who had triplets--2 boys and a girl!!! They were a lively crew, but adorable at 4 and 1/2! Looking forward to watching Reagan for many don't tire of sending pictures. Aunt Faye