Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Watch Me Grow - 4 Months

Our wild and crazy baby has made it to 4 months! Today she was down for a nap in the swing when she started to fuss. I went to check on her and she was hanging sideways and upside down out of the swing and definately not asleep! How she got herself into that position I will never know. The only reason I can think she wasn't more upset is because she has recently decided being an "upside down" baby is a fun game. lol :)
This month Reagan decided she needs a story as well as her pink blanket before she'll settle down to sleep. Since Tim and I are avid readers we were excited to realize she has decided that should be part of her wind down routine at such an early age!
Thank you Aunt Julie and Uncle Chuck for my cute outfit and thank you Aunt Kim and Uncle Nathan for the duck and bear! We've decided to start taking Reagan's monthly pictures with the new pink bear from Uncle Nathan and Aunt Kim too because Reagan's not going to be bigger than that duck for a long time! lol :)

Isn't it funny how Reagan looks bigger in her 3 month picture? I think that's because she's sitting up more now vs stretching out.

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