We went grocery shopping during our Open House last Sunday. Our favorite grocery store has little carts for kids with a little flag entitled "Customer In Training." It is too cute! Since both Mommy and Daddy were along we decided to let Reagan try the little carts out. Reagan had fun for a while and didn't crash into too many things...

Shopping with Daddy
Thank you to Ms. MaryAnn for the adorable ladybug dress! :)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Teddy Roosevelt Park
Teddy Roosevelt Park is one of the not so well known monuments in DC. It's a little off the beaten path but really nice and Grandpa Ted introduced it to us several years ago. On Saturday Tim suggested we take an outing to the park while our house was being shown. It was the perfect way to spend a couple of hours and we had a great time!
It was completely coincidental, but Reagan kept raising her right hand like the statue of Teddy Roosevelt
Going up
Coming down
(as I'm sure anyone with little kids can imagine we went up and down several times)
Enjoying the bench and tickle time with Mommy Enjoying being outside
A duck!
Let me in the water Daddy - I'm sure I can catch that duck!
Thank you to Grandma Karen for the super cute sundress! :)
Anna's First Birthday Party
Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Ted came to DC to visit us for Father's Day weekend. They were nice enough to give Anna and Reagan a ride back to Tennessee so we could attend Anna Stiriz's first birthday party. We had a great time seeing everyone and especially enjoyed Miss Anna's super cute princess party! Reagan loves her crown and sceptre and still carries them around.
Kelly and Chaz helping Anna blow out her candle
Kiddie Pool
The first day we got out the kiddie pool we intended to fill it before nap time to let it warm up a bit. Reagan decided she should climb right in, clothes and all, and of course Grandma Sherry and Mommy thought it was quite funny. lol :)
Water Hose
Grandma Sherry helped Reagan discover the joys of a water hose. I think she had more fun with the hose than the kiddie pool. One evening she was out on the deck while Grandma was watering her flowers. Grandma turned around because she heard "Pease Pease" (Reagan's please) and Reagan was standing there hands outstretched asking to be hosed down. Of course Grandma accomodated such a polite request. lol :)
Upon Uncle Wayne and Aunt Debbie's suggestion Grandma Sherry found Reagan some mini popsicles. They were the perfect size and Reagan loved them! I believe she had about 5 during this photo shoot. By the end of the week she had mastered holding and eating 3 popsicles at a time but I didn't get a pictures of that. lol :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Calling All Prayer Warriors!
We need your prayers and many good thoughts in our house hunt!
Our prayer request is that everything regarding the sale of our current and future home will work out quickly and easily. We are praying that we will either receive a new offer this weekend or the outstanding offer on our townhouse will be ratified at the beginning of next week (or sooner!).
Last weekend we received an offer on our townhouse. Everything was looking good and we had a verbal agreement but the buyers wanted to double check on the details of their relocation package (the government is moving them from Denver). If any of you have worked with the government you know that is not always a speedy process... So, unfortunately while we do still have a contract on our current home hanging out there it has not been ratified. We are hoping to hear something positive on that front by early next week.
While we would obviously love to have a firm offer on our current home the wait wouldn't be so hard if the house we would like to purchase hadn't received an offer today. Bummer! :P Luckily the agent of that home knew how interested we were and let our realtor know they were receiving another offer in case we would like to place an offer as well. After a lot of discussion and soul searching we decided to proceed. Our realtor let the other realtor know our situation and that a contingency offer would hopefully be short lived. So while the sellers did except our 21 day contingent offer tonight we would love it if we could go ahead and remove the contingency early next week after receiving ratification of the contract on our townhouse.
Thank you in advance all for your thoughts and prayers! We'll let you know how everything turns out! In the meantime, if you'd like to check out pictures of our new home you can go to the following web address http://www.weichert.com/search/realestate/PropertyListing.aspx?P=19180023&cityid=49260&ptypeid=32&minpr=440&maxpr=450&minbr=4&minba=3.5 or use any realty website to look up the following MLS# LO6713382.
Friday, June 13, 2008
So Cool at the Pool
As the weather has warmed up Reagan and I have been enjoying spending time at the community pool. As you can see by her expression Reagan loves the pool - not to mention all the people! I don't believe she has met a stranger yet! lol :)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Brushing Teeth
Can you guess if we're more excited about the toothbrush or the Kitty on the toothbrush??? :)
Reagan's First Toothbrush
At Reagan's one year appointment her doctor told us we should get her a kids toothbrush to practice with. I keep forgetting to buy one when we're at the store so when I thought about it yesterday we took a stroll down to CVS to pick one out. Reagan wanted all of them I showed her - Hello Kitty, Winnie the Pooh, Crayola Crayon etc. but in the end we settled on just one - Hello Kitty of course! :)
What can you use a toothbrush for? To call someone on the phone of course!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sunglasses and Outdoor Fun
We discovered last weekend that Reagan likes wearing sunglasses. When you put them on her she leaves them on. Yesterday was so beautiful we went outside for an excuse to wear sunglasses and take some pics. As you can see she played for a while wearing her sunglasses. :)
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